Internet dating involves millions of men advertising to millions of women for sex, while the millions of women are advertising for a guy to marry and take care of them and/or buy them things. Internet dating costs the guys over $5000.00 per month for all the expenses to go on these dates. Each woman is often going out with a different guy each night and placing each guy in competition to see which one will take her to the better restaurants and nightclubs. Each week she cycles through the guys and replaces them with a new candidate, as does each man. The more Instagram-attractive a girl is, the more she expects in expenditures per date. Anybody who can’t meet you within a few days is usually screwing their way through the local online dating pool and back-logged with dates. Everyone claims that they are the exception to this process but all of their past dates will usually say otherwise. Everybody can tell, within 20 minutes of meeting, if they would have a monogamous relationship with the other person, but most people want to wait to see if they can get someone ‘even better’ in a Fear-Of-Missing-Out endless cycle of false hope. There is no other way to find single people in the modern world so we are all stuck with this. Going up to strangers, in public, gets you reported as a ‘stalker’.
READ THE REPORT: Corporate Internet Dating Site Scams 1.10
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